First up was an invite from a couple of old work colleagues who had moved on. This is the second year that Monte has hosted a summer BBQ at his yacht club. Sounds pretty good to me. The Kitsilano Yacht Club may not have quite the address or amenities as the Royal Vancouver and the boats may not be ocean-faring luxury palaces, but it's still smack dab on English Bay - with a view of Kits Beach, the downtown peninsula and the North Shore mountains - on some of the most expensive real estate in town.

A good percentage of the guests were Monte's dragon boat crew, so I didn't know many folk there, but I did get the opportunity to catch up with a couple of old faces that I hadn't expected to bump into.
I'm more than happy to wile away the afternoon sitting in the sun and taking in the view.

174. 2005 Red Rooster Bantam (VQA Okanagan)
This is the second time that we've added Bantam to The List - the first being back in the early postings when a bottle of the 2006 vintage was opened at our Dinner Club. It was good back then, but I think it might have been better this time around.
This wine is a classic "summer sipper" and this was the perfect summer sipping location. I believe the winery changes the blend every year; however, I did see one reference to this vintage as being a blend of Auxerrois, Chardonnay and Pinot Grigio. I was actually a tad worried that the bottle might be a little too long in the tooth since it was a 2005. This is definitely meant to be enjoyed while it's young, bright and lively. It was surprisingly fresh though. Maybe there's something to bottling under screw cap after all.
Due to our dinner engagement, we had to leave before the BBQ hit its true stride but it was a great way to add another bottle to The List.
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