(sung to the tune of k.d. lang's Miss Chatelaine - with profound apologies)
Just a sip. Just two sips.
Lift the glass up to my lips.
I can't explain how much I love my Champagne.
Every time, I drink more wine,
I start to spin in rays of bubbly sunshine....

OK. OK. I realize you're likely wondering what the heck I'm going on about. Believe it or not, that was not a just discovered, long lost verse of a Canadian classic. It's Wine Blogging Wednesday 79 and the Brix Chicks, as hostesses of this month's confab, have invited everyone to imagine what wine they see their favourite literary characters sip away on.
As much as I love to read, I have to admit that I don't seem to make much time for it nowadays. I don't run out and grab the latest Oprah pick and my old book clubs definitely disbanded eons ago.
Luckily for me though, the Brix Chicks are taking a very liberal view on what constitutes a literary character - "any genre, any timeline, any story." They all count.
Seeing as how we just saw the lovely and talented miss kathy dawn lang in concert a couple weekends ago, I figured I could take my constant cravings for the gal and channel one of her classic characters - and most beloved songs.
Once transformed into Miss Chatelaine, you just know that the scene has to be awash in Lawrence Welk bubbles. (Am I dating myself? I swear it was my Mom that watched him, not me.) And the colour scheme is pink, pink, pink. The only problem is that our heroine can't afford to grace her escape with real Champagne on a regular basis. I fear she lives more in a reality where Baby Duck and Lonesome Charlie are the handiest bubbles of choice for the masses.
Tonight, however, our Miss C. is exploring new shores and celebrating with a sparkler that doesn't sport a capital letter "C," but does hail from an exotic land from across the globe.

Now, a Pink Moscato is about as far a cry from vintage Champagne as it gets, but let's face it, most unsophisticated palates love the thought of Champagne far more than they enjoy the taste. This De Bortoli, however, is perfect for gals like Miss Chatelaine, for easy sipping on the patio or for waltzing around the living room like a love-sick beauty queen. With a alcohol content of only 8%, it'll allow an awful lot of waltzing and sipping too.
Our Miss Chatelaine will see the persistent bead (or bubbles) and automatically think romance and Champagne. She's going to be swept away with the heady bouquet of roses. She'll think she's in heaven with the sweetness and ripe strawberries that will race through her mouth and she'll know that no one can accessorize like she can when they see that vivid pinky, salmon colour in her glass while wearing her pink tulle and feathers.
And she'll be right.
If it's not obvious to you, this is light and sweet, but it's also very tasty and would likely disappear quickly at any brunch or as an apéritif at a grand soirée - and you get all that at a price point that might allow you three bottles for the price of a real bottle of Champagne.
Think Sex and The City in a bottle and I think you might catch my drift. As much as I love a serious bit of bubble, the Emeri Pink Moscato will be an easy go-to for any of a number of events.
Miss Chatelaine would definitely approve. As for k.d., you'll have to ask her.
And, on that bubbly note, my thanks to the Brix Chicks for taking on this month's WBW. I see that they're scheduled to attend next month's Wine Blogging Conference in Portland, Oregon. With any luck, I'll meet up with them there and discuss a few literary favourites - or, better yet, a few favourite wines.
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