Much to Merlot Boy's delight, The Aussies have scored another gold medal. This time in was in Women's Aerials. MB was quick to run up and change the flag flying from the balcony to the Boxing Kangaroo, but he left the celebratory wine to us - still. We had to chide him for not toasting his compatriots with a little tipple, but he still maintains that the diet and training is paramount. Back to that later.
We actually opened the bottle for a quick cocktail before heading out to dinner and a play. That much Merlot Boy could still participate in.

I'd tried the Cat Amongst the Pigeons Shiraz previously (on The List at #73), so this wasn't a completely unexpected wine. I rather figured that it would be a fruit forward, big and tasty wine - and it was. Sort of out there, not to be missed - much like a sport that involves flipping multiples off of a huge ramp and landing on a hill so steep that I likely would have balked at schussing down it during the best of my skiing days.

I still enjoy Salt's concept of trying plates of three cheeses, meats and/or condiments and matching them with three different wines. Gives you all sorts of taste sensations. But I think we definitely needed something a little more rib-sticking this time around. And it wasn't the Merlot Boy Diet that got in the way this time. Maybe it would have seem more substantive if we had something light before the play, say the show and then came to Salt.
I could have given Merlot Boy the flag but denied him the Aussie wine since Canada won another gold on Wednesday as well, but I suppose we have to take advantage of the wines from down under when we can during these Wine Olympics (if you will).
While on the topic of themed events, the Vancouver Games has also seen a crazy number of concerts, plays, dance recitals, exhibits and the like during the Cultural Olympiad. Tonight, Boo, Merlot Boy and I were taking in the only big ticket item that we could find time to fit in - Robert Lepage's "The Blue Dragon." Needing a quick bite to eat before heading to the play, we dropped in at Salt Tasting Room.
Another time I guess - BUT with a full bottle of wine to add to The List. Can't be letting all these opportunities out on the town just slip by without a new bottle to include.

Known for his elaborate and innovative stagings, I've always wanted to see a Robert Lepage production. So, I suppose that, if you could only take in one show over the Cultural Olympiad, "The Blue Dragon" was one of the higher profile ones. Knowing that I don't even venture into tangible tasting notes for the wines we drink, I'm certainly not going to try and critique a theatre piece. All I'll say is that the staging (without going all Broadway musical on us) was spectacular, but the story was rather thin.
Heck, that could be a wine tasting note on its own. I may re-consider the editorial comments after all. But, for now, I'll leave it with another shot of Coal Harbour and the Olympic Rings. Look carefully and the Olympic Cauldron is in the background to the right. I didn't realize until now that the rings are normally white in colour - but they change colour whenever Canada wins a medal. Tonight, they were honouring the Women's Hockey Team and their big, gold medal win over the Americans. Now, if only the Men's team can follow suit in the days to come.
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